Tag: peak oil

  • Reinventare l’alienazione

    The fact that the ideological distinction is artificial was first spotted by Albert Camus, who pointed out that both Western industrialism and its communist version achieve similar results through similar means – industrialization and specialization of labor. In the 1950s, in Défence de L’Homme Révolté, Camus accurately predicted that if the communist experiment were to…

  • Michael Pollan: dal punto di vista delle piante

    And agriculture suddenly appeared to me not as an invention, not as a human technology, but as a co-evolutionary development in which a group of very clever species, mostly edible grasses, had exploited us, figured out how to get us to basically deforest the world. L’agricoltura improvvisamente non mi è apparsa come un’invenzione, come una…

  • “The bigger they are, the harder they fall”

    What happens if you choose EROEI curves that decline faster or slower? One can change the curve for one that declines faster, such as a cubic. In this case, the world doesn’t even have time to adapt to the first peak in production of a fossil fuel (peak oil), and industrial production collapses before there…

  • La rivoluzione dimenticata

    Riflessioni ispirate dalla lettura di “La rivoluzione dimenticata – il pensiero scientifico greco e  la scienza moderna” di Lucio Russo “La rivoluzione dimenticata” è un libro uscito 12 anni or sono (novembre 1996) che ha dato il via ad un certo dibattito tra gli storici della scienza: la tesi del prof. Russo è che, a…